Eficiencia y emisiones del motor de combustión interna de encendido por compresión impulsado por aceites vegetales


Nury Sanchez Hernandez
Abdel Galvan


The new energy strategies that different countries have worldwide entail a challenge and impulse for industries and researchers, forcing them to find new solutions to meet energy demand by meeting new environmental demands. The use of vegetable oils and used cooking oils are studied lately as alternative fuels for diesel engines in some applications such as transportation, power generation, hybrid or marine propulsion. The United Nations (UN), aims to limit global warming to 1.5 ° C, to achieve this task, would require "rapid and far-reaching" transitions in land, energy, industry, buildings, transport and cities. Global net emissions of man-made CO2 would have to be reduced by 45% by 2030 from 2010 levels, and continue to decline until reaching "net zero" by about 2050. Keep in mind that vegetable oils can be produced almost everywhere in relatively small plants and as for used cooking oils, we would be contributing with the use of a waste material that must be eliminated.  The present work will focus on a bibliographic review of scientific articles, as well as literature of relevance to the subject studied seeking to focus on the solutions presented by the market using internal combustion engines whose fuel is based on vegetable oils.


Como Citar
Sanchez Hernandez, N., & Galvan, A. (2024). Eficiencia y emisiones del motor de combustión interna de encendido por compresión impulsado por aceites vegetales. ENERLAC. Revista De energía De Latinoamérica Y El Caribe, 8(1). Recuperado de https://enerlac.olade.org/index.php/ENERLAC/article/view/275